Delicate Bouquet Still Life
Delicate Bouquet Still Life
A light and pretty photo of a delicate flower bouquet featuring pink and peach roses, soft green leaves and light purple lilac,. Done as a print on canvas. You wont be able to walk by without admiration for the detail. This picture will complete a room at your house, cabin or cottage.
Delicate Bouquet Still Life - August Print Shop Original
- Framed art is all ready to hang.
- Our canvas is a poly-cotton blend material.
- High quality UV resistant ink.
- Sawtooth hardware installed on the back for quick hanging.
- Printed and framed in Canada.
- Premium Matte Finish.
- 1.5" frame offers no chance of warping.
- Rolled art will have an extra 1.5" canvas border around the image.
*Frame Upgrade*
You have the option to add a solid wood frame around your framed canvas art. These frames are HAND MADE IN CANADA and therefor unique! They are made of hand sanded solid wood. They have a natural wood texture and their own natural grain patterns. Wood is jointed together on the frame and there may be some slight colour differences on the natural wood option.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
All art is made to order and ships out from our Toronto, Ontario Location within 2-3 business days of purchase.
If your artwork comes damaged in any way, please contact us as soon
as possible providing pictures of the shipping box damages as well as
the item's damage.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we accept returns within
14 days of receipt. The buyer is responsible for return shipping costs.
We recommend all returns be sent insured and with tracking as we cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged returned products. Canvas